Saturday, July 13, 2013


I love scary movies, but lately the ones I've watched have been a let down.
Mama did not disappoint! It was ridiculously freaky.

It's about two young girls who are abandoned in the woods in a creepy run down house. I wont spoil how they got that way, but there is someone taking care of them... A freaky psycho ghost mom! 
The young girls are not afraid of her... but they should be! 
Eventually they are discovered and the girls have to cope with being around real people and trying to live a normal life. Will Mama let them go? Dun Dun Dun.... 

Favorite Lines:
"Chop chop chop chop chop chop"
"Victoria... Mama! Come!"
"Who is Mama. Victoria?"

Three Stars for Mama!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Dark Skies


Well first of all it's about Aliens. 
Aliens abducting humans=Super Cool. 
Dark Skies=95 minutes of my life I can't get back.

It just drug on and on. It was one of those movies where the build up is so big and then when you finally get to see the Aliens they go "this happens, this happens, then this happens. THE END. And you yell at the TV! "What?? That's it?? BULLSHIT!"

I gave it two stars on my Netflix rating but that may be too nice. However the Aliens looked pretty awesome and they were creepy so that's the only thing that saved them from a lower rating from me. Like they care what I think anyways. LOL!

So it's about Aliens sneaking into this family's home and going into the little boy's room and being all like "Hey how's it going?" for forever until the end. 

So... there you go! Enjoy this piece of crap if you want to. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The American Scream

So... I like documentaries. I think they are fascinating if done correctly and this one was. It goes behind the scenes of three people who are home haunters. These people LOVE Halloween. Like more than I do, and trust me that's a lot. This movie tries to explain their reasoning behind their elaborate home productions. How much time they put into it,  how much money, how their family feels. I honestly would love to visit this town (all three featured are in the same city) and go to their haunted houses. They look amazing! One of the featured people actually collects donations for a hospital with their haunt and I think that's great!
I adore Halloween, I think its great and we always go all out for it, but even I wouldn't invest as much time as these guys do.
It's totally worth the watch and I give it 3 stars because it is a little slow in the middle.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Django Unchained

Before I say anything nice about this movie, THE MUSIC WAS WEIRD AS HELL. It was freaking me out! Especially when they would sing the Django song and they switch it from "Jayngo to Jongo" (for pronunciation sake) Somebody please hit the mute button! 
Ok now that I have that off my floppy chest this movie was pretty kewl. It was fascinating to watch how people lived and how they ran the plantations. I'm going to use the word black so get over it. 
You learn about slavery in school or read about it in books, but to actually see the cruelty and torment they went through was absolutely maddening and heartbreaking. So though I'm white as hell I was rooting for the blackies to take over and kill those sons a betches! 
Jamie Fox and Christoph Waltz come together as bounty hunters looking to rescue someone very important from Leonardo's &%@!# up plantation. Most creepy character I think Leonardo has ever played. I love him but I hated him in this movie. So I guess he did a good job. 

Be aware this movie is gory and Samuel L. Jackson kicks ass. The end. 

~Spoiler Alert~ 
Quentin Tarantino gets blown up super hard! YAAAAAY!

Four Stars! ****


I thought this might be an interesting flick as I appreciated the original "Psycho." 
It's still freaky even 50 years later! Do you ever peek out from the shower curtain to make sure no one's out there ready to STAB YOU AND STAB YOU AND STAB YOU AND STAB YOU?! 
Well I do! Thanks a lot Alfred Hitchcock!!

This movie tells about the struggles of Hitchcock's making of his most famous film as well as his personal struggles in his marriage. 
Anthony Hopkins puts on a great performance as well as a fat suit to portray the infamous Alfred Hitchcock. Helen Mirren plays his wife and she is simply fabulous. She is a strong character and if it wasn't for her, maybe the Psycho would have never been...
And if you like Scarlett Johansson then you can watch her be kinda naked in the shower. I think she's "alright". 

I give this film three personal stars. It did drag in the beginning but then again it's somewhat of a biography so it's not going to be edge of your seat entertainment. As long as you keep that in mind you might enjoy it.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Last Stand

I recently became the proud owner of a Netflix DVD membership for your betching pleasure. I ordered this baby and watched it last night. Oddly enough I really liked it. I wasn't expecting much but it was a fun watch.  I loved that I knew exactly what Arnold's next cheesetastic line was going to be, and when he said it was lol'z all over the place. 

A brief description: Arnold plays a retired narcotics officer who now works as a small town sheriff. A powerful drug lord has escaped the FBI and is making his way through Arnold's town. Who can stop this um.... unstoppable person if the FBI can't even handle him? I wonder.....

Favorite Lines of the Movie: 
My honor is not for sale.
Consider yourself deputized.
Keep it. 

Three Stars Arnold! *** 
Only you can get away with terrible acting and make it awesome. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Ramen Girl

So I picked this movie because I really like Brittany Murphy. I think she was great and died way before her time. But this movie was not her best. It's about a girl who follows her boyfriend to Tokyo, her boyfriend then dumps her and she decides to stay and somehow worms her way into working at a Ramen restaurant and learning the art of making Ramen. Apparently this is a big deal in Tokyo, they have Master Ramen chefs that can teach you the art and give you their blessing. If you don't get their blessing you can't cook Ramen.
Obviously, cooking Ramen here in the states is completely different. It's not an art, you open the package and cook it for 3 minutes, but Brittany Murphy learns how to cook Ramen with her HEART. this is apparently a big deal.
Honestly the whole movie was kind of boring, and while I dont mind subtitles, I did find it annoying that she was in Japan for over a year and never learned Japanese. SERIOUSLY? you WORK with a master ramen chef who only speaks Japanese, no wonder you can't cook.
I give it two stars.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


This movie is about two zombies who are the result of a military experiment. They aren't like real zombies and are in fact, very coherent and even smart. They decide to find mikes true love so he can finally tell her how he feels. They escape the quarantine zone with their pet zombie cheese. I honestly really enjoyed this show. It was funny, had a slight cheese factor and a few unexplained plot threads that were my only real complaint.
Four big stars!