I love scary movies, but lately the ones I've watched have been a let down.
Mama did not disappoint! It was ridiculously freaky.
It's about two young girls who are abandoned in the woods in a creepy run down house. I wont spoil how they got that way, but there is someone taking care of them... A freaky psycho ghost mom!
The young girls are not afraid of her... but they should be!
Eventually they are discovered and the girls have to cope with being around real people and trying to live a normal life. Will Mama let them go? Dun Dun Dun....
Favorite Lines:
"Chop chop chop chop chop chop"
"Victoria... Mama! Come!"
"Who is Mama. Victoria?"
Three Stars for Mama!
Well first of all it's about Aliens.
Aliens abducting humans=Super Cool.
Dark Skies=95 minutes of my life I can't get back.
It just drug on and on. It was one of those movies where the build up is so big and then when you finally get to see the Aliens they go "this happens, this happens, then this happens. THE END. And you yell at the TV! "What?? That's it?? BULLSHIT!"
I gave it two stars on my Netflix rating but that may be too nice. However the Aliens looked pretty awesome and they were creepy so that's the only thing that saved them from a lower rating from me. Like they care what I think anyways. LOL!
So it's about Aliens sneaking into this family's home and going into the little boy's room and being all like "Hey how's it going?" for forever until the end.
So... there you go! Enjoy this piece of crap if you want to.