I know that Kellee's experience with the Gay Bed and Breakfast was pretty bad, but this might be the second biggest piece of crap to grace Betchflix. Lucky for me, I could at least do 20 minute increments, but it still took three days to finish. Pinnochio doesn't do a damn thing for like the first hour of the movie besides sit there and look like a big piece of #%$. I was bored out of my skull. I would dare to say if there are good reviews for it, it's because of the shower scene with full on female nudity. PORN!

Pinnochio only communicates with the little girl in the movie the whole time, and what a surprise, she gets blamed for the messed up stuff he does. She's being raised by a single mother who is an attorney, and goes to her therapist a lot.
Will Pinnochio ever become a good real boy? Find out for yourself if you want to sit through an hour and a half of this awful movie. 1 star.
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